Mul-Ty: Beyond City Limits

Anthony "Mul-Ty" Coleman from Vidalia, Georgia was a troubled youth but found himself and straightened out his life with music. He has opened up concerts for well known music artists such as Brian McKnight and Frankie Beverly and Maze. Mul-Ty shared how Looking For Love, one of his biggest hits came in a way he least expected. "It came from the heart." On the way to record a song called "Girl" in Atlanta, a melody came to him. The producer, Gerald GO Hall, heard Mul-Ty humming the tune and pressed him to record it instead. "It was never written on paper. Never preconceived. It just happened and it changed my life."

Going Beyond City Limits

"I come from a musical family.. a musical city (Vidalia, Georgia)...It use to break my heart to think that a lot of songs I heard coming from my city would never make it out of my city. I always just dreamed big enough to say one day I'd like my voice to travel beyond my city  limits."

Advice to Artists

"To any artist working on your craft. You got to reap before you sow.  You gotta pay your dues. It's a lot of hard work. harvest time will come. Keep the faith. Keep grinding. You got to sing when nobody's listening. You got to go to a show sometimes and sing for 5 people just the same way you would do for 5,000 people. Let it be genuine. Let it come from a genuine place. That's my advice. Don't stop. You don't know if you were put here for your music to reach one person or one million people, but if you serve your purpose it was all worth it."

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